Judah, Week Eleven

Judah’s been out of Los Angeles County for the first time today!  Judah and his mom traveled to Camarillo, in Ventura county for lunch with his friend Robert.

Here are Judah and Robert’s mommies way before:

Jessica & Deniz just a little pregnant - July 2009

Judah and Robert’s mommies before:

Judah and Robert's mommies
Judah and Robert's mommies December 2009

Judah and Robert’s mommies, now (at the Curry Leaf in Camarillo):

Judah, Robert & their mommies - 4-15-2009

Judah, Week Nine

Judah’s already two months old!  He went to see Dr. Fleiss this morning, and he’s now weighing in a 9 pounds.  The nurse practitioner said not to be surprised if he start’s rolling over soon.  He’s still not a fan of the car, but he’s asleep after his appointment – whew!

Nine weeks, Nine pounds
Nine pounds at two months.

Judah has a new friend.  Gisela now comes by twice a week to help out Judah and mommy!